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1872 Shield Nickel 1873 Shield Nickel Open 3 1874 Shield Nickel 1876 Shield Nickel 1882 Shield Nickel 1883 Shield Nickel 1868 Shield Nickel Gem 1882 Shield Nickel Gem 1883 Shield Nickel Gem Shield Nickel AG/G Shield Nickel G/VG (3) Shield Nickels G/VG (3) Shield Nickels AG/G 1880 Shield Nickel Gem 1883/2 Shield Nickel Gem 1867 Shield Nickel No Rays 1868 Shield Nickel 1869 Shield Nickel 1879 Shield Nickel Choice AU 1872 Shield Nickel Gem 1870 Shield Nickel 1866 Shield Nickel with Rays 1867 Shield Nickel with Rays Choice BU 1869 Shield Nickel Gem
Quantity: Skyline Coins